Sunday, January 6, 2013

Enticement of Sinners

Enticement of Sinners or Peer Pressure
Proverbs 1:8-19 (theme 10-16) (read)Define Sheol (SHEE-ohl) Hebrew word-translation “grave” or ”pit”; in the bible the Hebrew word meant “underworld”. In 200 BC the Greek translated the scriptures and replaced “Sheol” with “Hades”.
Think about that only 1 of 10 ppl do the Christian thing each and every time. Majority of the time peers give us advice that’s opposite of what our parents/step-parents instruct us to do. You must decide to be the Christian (1 out 10) or to run with the crowd when you know it’s wrong (90%). Easier said than done right? So think about it, if someone/friend or not ask you to compromise something that you believe in…they are probably not that Christian friend you need to be around. The key to peer pressure is to determine your standards and boundaries (Personal/Spiritual) before a situation arises, it’s difficult to make the right choice in the heat of the moment.
Personal boundariesPersonal boundaries are guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify what are reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave around them and how they will respond when someone steps outside those limits. They are built out of a mix of beliefs, opinions, attitudes, past experiences and social learning. Personal boundaries define you as an individual, outlining your likes and dislikes, and setting the distances you allow others to approach. They include physical, mental, psychological and spiritual boundaries, involving beliefs, emotions, intuitions and self-esteem.
Spiritual BoundariesThe most important boundary you can protect is your spiritual boundaries. There are a number of spiritual boundaries that are key to keeping yourself sane in this world. We have all heard the comment or we have all said something and waited for that lightning bolt to strike us. While this will most likely not happen as a result of some spiritual punishment, the fear has been duly placed in our mind. As a result, we need to define our Spiritual Boundaries.
1.Inner Spiritual Boundaries:
2. Central Belief System
3. Fundamental Spiritual Structure
Each of these (3) areas can get you into trouble spiritually if you’re not careful.  Inner Spiritual Boundaries are where we start. We have to be careful not to ignore or force our beliefs on ppl before they ready.  Most people have never defined their core values and so have difficulty understanding why they are conflicted or have chaos in their lives. This is true in life or more specifically in the spiritual lives. As we define who we are we must also define each area of our life to understand who we are and the boundaries we want to set for ourselves. It all begins with our core values.
These core values create who we are and what we do on a daily basis. Our true identity is built by what we decide we are going to believe in over a lifetime. These central beliefs shape our choices in jobs, fun and even our mate. It is a fundamental key to our central belief system. Those thoughts that get us in trouble or celebrate the life we lead. The good and bad we have done are developed in our mind by that belief system.

The key to unlocking these beliefs lie in the Fundamental Spiritual Structure. This is the structure that we are growing up with and “learning” to believe in and act upon. Actions over time develop habit and belief in a certain structure. That structure creates the boundaries that protect us and creates walls that are hard to penetrate.
2. External Spiritual Boundaries:
1. Bad Influence
2. Bad Habits
3. Non-Self-Convicted opinion
External Spiritual Boundaries are the ones that we must understand and are affected by until we understand the Inner Spiritual Boundaries. The external barriers are more easily seen and kept under control because they are visible to everyone. We HAVE to make a conscious effort to fit in to the crowd or make a special effort to NOT fit in based on those external boundaries. As young ppl you are taught to NOT hang around bad people or bad influences. However, as we age those boundaries become less restrictive and we need to establish these for ourselves. The creation of these protections becomes less guided by authority and more by our convictions. The external influences of the internet, media, Hollywood and our circle of friends/influence are key to what we allow into our conscious and subconscious minds. They can influence us in small or large ways. As much as nutrition affects our physical health, this onslaught of material that we allow our senses to come in contact with directly and indirectly affect our fundamental structures mentally. As these structures are affected, we in turn create either good or bad habits. These new structures we allow to be created mold our action set. Bad habits can be formed from this external attack or our moral fiber. Forcibly (or consciously) creating those habits that will remain congruent to our core values is critical to maintaining inner-peace and combating the chaos created by NOT doing battle correctly.
Loss of BoundariesThe loss of conscious boundaries could occur when an individual was caught up in a fast-moving crowd.  Our identities become controlled by the definitions offered by others.
What are the effects of crossing these barriers or letting them slide?The end result of not maintaining proper boundaries is the existence of continual chaos. This chaos take over our lives given free reign and it takes monumental effort to return to where we left the road/path of God.
Rebuilding boundariesWhile a healthy relationship depends on the emotional space provided by personal boundaries, co-dependent personalities have difficulties in setting such limits, so that defining and protecting boundaries efficiently may be for them a vital part of regaining mental health and Spiritual Health .
Family therapists and reading your bible can help family members to develop clearer boundaries, by behaving in a well-defined way when treating them, drawing lines, and treating different generations in different compartments- something especially suitable families where unhealthy involvement overrides normal personal boundaries.
However, Be careful the establishment of personal boundaries in such instances may produce a negative fall-out, if the relationship is there everything.
What can you do to protect yourselves from these different distractions both inner and external?
1. The key is to protect them from the outset and not let you travel too far down any wrong path.
2. Spaced repetition with the good information that you wish to put into your mind, read your Bible as often as possible.
3. Daily meditation/prayer and focus on the path that you want to travel.
4. Careful consideration of those whom you choose to associate with.
These steps will create the spiritual freedom that you want and the separation from the troublesome part of your spiritual path.

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