Do you feel like you have a purpose in your life? We know God made us all unique but have we stopped to really consider what he wants to do with these unique qualities he has given us? Often we get caught up in blending in and looking like everyone else that we overlook our own uniqueness. We get wrapped up in what we see others doing and being and we forget how God has blessed us. And until we recognize we are all made to live our own unique lives as God intended, we will miss what he has planned for us.
I was reading a study called "Restless" and it really resonated with me. The author (Jennie Allen) said that something in her was restless and she knew she wasn't alone. It's like we are all aching for some great noble purpose to shove in the gaping holes of our lives. To make them feel less ordinary and more meaningful and special. We've become numb and board even. Some may even wonder if they are wasting their lives. Do we even matter? What do we live for?
We live in an erra with a ton of things and stuff and seem to be surrounded by more people than ever but we are more dissatisfied than ever. Do you ever see someone that is just beaming in God's glory, firing off all their spiritual gifts and just giving Him glory and thing, MAN...I want that!
Matthew 5:6 says "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."
If you are hungering and thirsty for your purpose and it is truly to glorify God he says He will satisfy you. He says you just have to seek Him...but here's the have to seek Him whole heartedly.
Jeremiah 29:13 tells us, "You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."
So are we seeking with all our hearts or are we just holding on to our worldly desires with one hand and searching for God with the other?
We all have a purpose, if we are still here on this earth we have a specific reason and we had better find out what we should be doing.
Aside from knowing and loving God, finding and accomplishing this purpose is our greatest responsibility. You may argue that the great commission of making disciples of all nations is our greatest responsibility and you are somewhat correct but how are you going to do that if you don't know your purpose God has given you?
We were created in God's image for a fill the earth with more of those to bear His image and to make the world better by giving it order. We are to use the resources He has given us to reflect Him and serve people.
This is why we were given abilities above animals - to create, build, serve, lead, envision, and so on.
We reflect God by being able to see a need and fill it.
Our God is creative and He has infinite ways to make Himself known through our uniqueness. So anyone of us could be on a different point in our journey but we more than likely fit somewhere in four areas...
Running Free
At the Staring Line
You may find yourself not knowing if you're living on purpose or not. You may be content just surviving, busy even. your life seems full and you don't really question it but you find yourself board. You might be just starting to kinda desire more but that's a bit out of your comfort zone. You're probably thinking what's wrong with being comfortable and happy? Shouldn't I just be thankful for what I have instead of wanting more?
If this is you...You're COMFORTABLE.
Eccl. 3:1, 6-7 "There's an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under the heaven...A time to search and a time to give up as lost; a time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear apart and a time to sew together; a time to be silent and a time to speak."
Perhaps this is your time to tear apart out of your comfort zone and your time to speak. consider there may be more rather than be content in the wrong place...take the time to step out of your comfort zone and explore to see if you are in the will of God.
Maybe you are longing for more, hurting and you don't know if this emptiness in your heart is friend or foe...but you feel unsettled and unsatisfied. You keep asking yourself if you are missing God's plan or is there even a clear direction for you at all? Is it wrong to want more?
Sound familiar? Perhaps you are THIRSTY.
Ephesians 4:1 Paul wrote "I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received."
Some of you probable already feel your purpose and are obediently living it. Having experienced that numb season and maybe a satisfied period you may have become thirsty and found what you were made to do. It may not be easy but it's so fulfilling and rich and you see God moving all around you. You're probably reading this thinking, I don't need this lesson. If this is you, you may be RUNNING FREE.
In reality, it's when we are running free that we become complacent and we forget.
Or maybe you are still finding your place with God. Realizing you don't really know Him or talk to Him and rely on Him daily. If this is you, you may be AT THE STARTING LINE. You need to take time to seek God and work on your relationship and your purpose will follow.
You may feel lost, like you're wondering around without a purpose and can not possibly figure how that has to do with God's plan but stop for a moment and consider Joseph. We've been studying him in Sunday school as well. He too had a unique set of gifts but he just felt like he was wondering for most of his life. He knew God had a plan for him but can you imagine how he must have felt as it unfolded? His own brother hated him and were jealous of his father's favor for him and according to Gen 37:4, they couldn't even speak to him on friendly terms. He was so certain God had a plan for him though and he was right. He had dreams about it but when he told his brothers about it, it made them hate him even more till finally they tried to kill him. BUT, God put it on his brother, Ruben's heart to spare him and they threw him in a pit instead. Surely Joseph must have thought, REALLY? This can't be my purpose. This is not how it's supposed to go down. And then Judah comes up with the idea to sell him to the Ishmaelites as their caravan was passing through on their way to Egypt. From there Pharaoh's officer and captain guard Potiphar bought him. So now his life has been spared but his is a slave. He had to be thinking, How is THIS any better? Great. This is all wrong. But God's purpose for him was to get him to Egypt and guess where Joseph found himself after all this...Egypt. He could have sent him in on a great chariot with an entourage and great fanfare but this did just as well and he was there, protected and humble and ready to serve. The Lord was with him every step of the way, sparing his life and guiding his steps.
Even when put in prison, falsely accused, he continued to use the gifts God gave him interpreting dreams. I wonder if he thought that was it. That's all I'm good for....that's my purpose and God is done with me. I'm the dream guy and that's it. Sometimes we think that way. We see God move in our lives and allow us to do something or gift us with a cool ability and we are satisfied with that and we just stop right there...and stop seeking to see if God has more for us. And if you remember how history goes by Genesis 41 - Joseph is 30 years old and enters into service of Pharaoh King of Egypt.
God can take your trial and turn it into your testimony. He can use all your hardships and experiences that might not seem to even make sense to make you the person you need to be when it's time for your purpose to unfold.
God eventually brought Joseph full circle and his purpose looked a lot more like he thought it would but the entire journey was part of that purpose. And god is doing the same thing in your life too.
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